Services Chiropractic & Naturopathic

Chiropractic Techniques Used
Chiropractic manipulation/mobilization – includes diversified, blocks, activator
Chiropractic Biophysics
Traction Spinal /Cervical/ Lumbar/ Axial Correction
Myofascial Release Technique (this is an active release muscle technique treatment)
Physiotherapy modalities: ultrasound therapy – electrical muscle stimulation
Laser Therapy – by Erchonia treats pain, inflammation, accelerates healing and more
Naturopathic Services
Dr. Kitts approach to health and healing, offering you a approach to wellness. Working together, we take the time to understand your unique health concerns and develop personalized wellness plans that combine the most effective science-based therapies to help you feel and stay well.
Chiropractic Biophysics
Technique emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional based outcome . Treatments is in structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture. All patients are required to take X-rays and follow Dr, Kitts treatment plan. Care plan are based on diagnosis and X-ray Report.